Twin Blog - the escapades of twin boys

Hiya everyone!

We're delighted you've stopped by to read about our latest exploits and to see what we may be up to.  Hope we manage to keep you amused as you never know what we are going to be up to next.....

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» Listings for July 2011

  1. We haven't had a great week.  After visiting the health centre for our 9 month check up we both came down with nasty coughs and colds. Amazing how you seem to get ill when you go to those places!


    We had it so bad that Mummy had to sleep on the floor between our cots as we couldn't breathe properly.  Luckily we managed to pass the germs on to Mummy and Daddy after a couple of days so we feel a bit better now! 


    So thats the coughs and colds bit - now for the being bold......!!


    Well, we have certainly found our voices. Normally when we are having a mini tantrum and stamping our little feet! And thats just because Mummy won't let us stick our fingers in sockets/throw our dinner everywhere/mess with her Nappy Cakes......


    And as for Mummys laptop - well lets just say we could be writing this blog ourselves very shortly if she doesn't move it again!


    have a good weekend all - we are off to Mallow this morning to check out a market for Mummy


    Happy Friday all! We've been awake since 4.45am - and if we're awake, everyone else had better be awake.
    It was a busy day for us yesterday - we had our 9 month developmental check. Why do we have to do the work? Isn't looking cute enough? Anyway, first of all the nurse tried to get us to pick up two small pieces of paper - doesn't she know the only things we like picking up are fluff off the floor? Lovely and tasty it is too!

    Then we had a hearing test. Well selective hearing would be more like it, as neither of us would co-operate till one of us left the room. Then amazingly our hearing was perfect! Made Mummy worry a little a first as she thought we had something wrong with our hearing - silly Mummy, we just didn't want to play ball!

    We are both doing well with our weight, but Mummy says the scales are wrong (doesn't she always say that :) ) as the nurse said we were putting on a bit too much weight - well, we think there just aren't enough hours in the day to eat all we want..... and besides, with trying to escape from our parents all the time we'll soon work it off!


    Well, remember how we eat everything in sight? There is a downside to that - we grow out of our clothes soooo quickly, and another thing that happened was we grew too big for our car seats, that Mummy and Daddy had hoped would last a couple more months.

    Don't get us wrong - we absolutely loved our Jane Strata car seats - it was like being in the equivalent of a car seat rolls royce! And in racing red too! But our not so little legs were getting a little cramped, so it was time for our parents to splash the cash and buy two new seats.

    Mummy did lots of looking on the internet and read reviews from other parents. In the end we have got Babystart car seats, which are lovely and comfy and we are now facing forward! Its a whole new world when you aren't looking at the back of the car!  Daddy was very impressed with them, and they didn't cost a fortune either (which leaves more money for more food for us!)

    So if you are looking for any recommendation for a Group 1 car seat, take it from us you won't go wrong with the Babystart ones! We're off for another little trip in them later....